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tv   [untitled]    October 6, 2012 3:00pm-3:30pm EDT

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market why not. why not what's really happening to the global economy with mike stronger no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into cars a report on our. borders strikes a turkey fly is as serious again in response to a mortar attack as the turkish prime minister says uncle raul will go to war if provoke. the return of the republic crowds rally for venetian independence a frustrated with roads cars and public for the thousand years state to make its comeback. and hundreds demand an end to u.s. drone attacks in pakistan with a two day march right into the heart of the strikes are.
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the seven pm here in moscow you're watching live here r t with me to bomb with say turkey's launch a fresher tillery strike on syria in response to another mortar attack from across the border ancora began its shelling on wednesday and retaliation for syrian war to bomb that killed five civilians a middle east correspondent policia has the details. we do know that there's a mortar bomb landed in the countryside in turkish that territory so it is possible that no one in fact was injured or killed we also have no word on who was responsible for this later mortar from syria what i can tell you though is that almost immediately turkey responded and went on the offensive meaning that we had the situation along the turkish syrian border intensifying its started back on wednesday when a wall to bomb fired from syria killed five turkish citizens and since in the situation has nearly escalated we're hearing from the turkish prime minister that
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he does not want a situation of war but he has warned the syrians not to make a fatal mistake and that is a quote from him and taste his resolve the syrians will this side have apologized for this what is interesting is that you need to realize that these waters that are being fired from syria into turkey on close range missiles now they are coming from territory that is controlled by the syrian rebels so this is why many are suggesting that perhaps they are being fired on purpose they're being fired to provoke the situation and create a false flag operation now the reasoning behind this could be that turkey for some time has been calling for a no fly zone it might be provoked into calling for foreign intervention and for nato to get involved in fact we've heard some rebel leaders in exile call for this although the majority of excels in the majority of syrians are against this but the situation intensifying on the ground and everyone concerned that we could see this
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border tension into some kind of regional conflict the battle certainly is intensifying the latest there's a video that has now been released by the syrian rebels we have no confirmation as to the or patient of the video but it does claim that the rebels will start executing forty eight muslims from iran if damascus does not meet the demands of the syrian rebels now there has been dialogue and some kind of negotiations. wow between the syrian government and the reigning government at the same time just outside damascus the rebels have shot down a syrian helicopter gunship this comes as shelling continues between both sides in several cities around the country russia has come to the fore in the media a tree role it has said that it hopes the united nations arab envoy to syria will be coming to moscow perhaps later this month and the two they hope that both sides will express caution moscow also saying that these cross border incidents are
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completely unacceptable. but our borders strikes at turkey fire. at the syrian borders but parliament authorize troops to launch cross border operations against syria the country's prime minister warned that one car will not shy from war you have provoked author and journalist afshin rattansi believes damascus will retaliate if pulled into a broader conflict. this kind of flashpoint is the kind of flashpoint that can create world war three and nature as some people have it this is a false flag operation we're getting these reports of this continued as it were a reaction from judge government ok so i do and will face political problems at home but then why were they speaking with the iranians talking about how this needs a diplomatic solution not a military one if turkey continues under the agreements we didn't vote this would draw in a way to situation a wider fears here over the war and risks expanding it the people of syria and the
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people of turkey will not benefit from this nature says that they'll defend any nato member if turkey continue like this syria might see itself getting increasingly desperate and that retaliate with full force then it's up to the united states. britain european nato allies to figure out what to do what we need urgently right now is a peace conference so it's up to china and russia because they're the only people stopping a full scale war the kind of war that will only help but forces it looks like such as al qaeda united states is again supporting al-qaeda and turkey mr herder one should know much better than to try and help al qaeda he's been doing his best to fight the forces of his presidency. the republic of venice says planning for a glorious comeback supporters of uneasy and independence from its aliyah demanding
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the region goes it alone tired of being settled with reins a stereotype it's the latest in a number of european regions to consider independence including scotland and got the lumia profess a lot of equal separatist party organized the rally believes then is a will fare much better on his say. we're in a situation worse than a colony because there's a worse one thing tax free in italy it's the highest in the world and our services so far are extremely poor we twenty billion nice enough from our regional resources each year and that's on bearable and these three. a couple days ago there was a siege of the same art bell powered by four workers and there's this huge waste and here in van it's all it's it's almost explosive sold today we had and thousands of people who have gathered in front of their regional government for sure in italy
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we're not the only ones there are really in sort of the i have a strong movement for it of course we were the best organized but soon after you know it's going to have to go other regions severely. more stories a features of videos and that listens and still for you on the web there you'll find study again study the european food safety authority has rejected the controversial reports by french scientists thinking g.m. point to cancer head online. radical muslim cleric abu hamza the and four other terrorist suspects that extradited to the u.s. that's all to losing the appeal in the u.k. over what they claim is a lack of evidence in the case find out on a website. it turns out a walking your dog or feeding the birds could land you in a lot of trouble in many london parks civil rights groups have accused the city of cracking down on personal freedoms the spider though being
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a little information on what activities a bend and where and as artie's our first reports it's not even the police will be off to you if you break the rules. here in this park in london if your found drinking alcohol or growing up or or even feeding the pigeons you could inadvertently be committing a criminal or civil offense surprise will serve a lot of people the band in london map shows a whopping four hundred thirty five prohibition zones and tackling and she say sure behavior that will might have been a good policy idea in theory has local people say and it up a very bad policy in practice meaning hardline crackdowns on the soft this of misdemeanors disconcertingly many bars in london have now hired private contractors to carry out the enforcement of these fines phil morris knows all about the after his local council hired services he received an eighty pound penalty for dropping
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a cigarette butt and act he maintains he didn't know it was illegal he refused to pay to fruit fly. from. the just who are ex for the private security and surveillance of the ming providers a so called in full sprint offices in the u.k. contracted by some local councils first off they get it out with cameras and uniforms but their tactics of pursuing these fines often seem far from professional . well the way to do. we asked phil's local council for their response they told us to see these new offices back up for the public who are not with the actions of the minority who move in their dog fouls. are litter and not
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get paid unless the issue of find appropriately and surprising then that the areas where x. will have been hired has seen a massive increase in the number of fines that irish eat and there's now concern over whether that is fair or ethical some sort of accountability transparency i recently dealt in the home affairs select committee which looks at these issues with a case of the law on the bar of new and which has law enforcement officers who are in fact council officials but dress up like police have been promised them a commission is going to look into it because it's it's actually i think a criminal activity to pretend to be a police officer when you're not and i'm very concerned about how the trend is going i think in the past it would be assumes that people knew the law that it was reasonable and so long as you weren't creating a problem then you could do what you like but increasingly it seems that that is no longer the case these findings may be surprising for sun but the truth is these types of laws and offenses are being creeping up on us the some time now they're
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actually growing in number so also the moment you can enjoy the parks in london but if you do not feed the fare are long. riot police in bahrain have fired tear gas and water cannons at empty government protesters after a funeral march for an activist who died in custody turned violent demonstrators accuse the government of denying the man treatment but the authorities claim he died of a blood disease pro-reform crowds were trying to reach their former pearl square in the capital manama which is now heavily guarded by police protesters who fire bombs and rugs and tear gas. anastas aware hurled at them by offices the shooting one i can't has been cracking down on the sheer opposition for some twenty months now the activists are demanding equal rights and the release of political prisoners including prominent human rights activists not be a real job he's currently serving three years in prison for attending any legal rally form of bahraini and peace siad heidi outmuscle he says certain states only
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get involved when it benefits them. the problem that the double standard which practice by all those who assume countries. they do consume on those regimes who. let's say we each relationship with them or probably they consider them as enemies but like old regime it's a part of the system they have roots are for glaciers shaped they give them some let's say support. as when they take some first cities they have the only from our countries that's why ignore what's happening here although it's not clear. what's happening somewhere else. letters on r.j. a fight against american drone the tides hundreds of activists march across
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pakistan led by a form of crickets doctor and opposition figure to end of the destructive strikes. as venezuela gives up for presidential vote its longstanding leader will find out if the people want to leave them holding the reins of paul paul another six yet. these stories and much more after this break stay with us. this is day starts at five am even earlier in the winter tending to his flock of story hundred sheep in the mountains and pains of. thirty five years old it wasn't the life he dreamt of having studied accounting but you just unfamiliar dictated that he would take on the care of these animals after his father. has just made
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camp at their winter found stage setting up his ute the traditional two fenian round tent made of diskin. back amongst his family as his job is a lonely one and tough going out in all weathers braving streams of plus to minus forty degrees celcius says there are still there are certain difficulties there's not enough time for everything i'm almost alone and my sister works with my mother my mother is seventy five she's very old and i miss mountains when i'm in town i spend a lot of time here. so on most of us is simply carrying out the work that his father did and his father before him nothing has changed over many many centuries and that's half the problem it's hard work and many people don't want to come into the industry now and it's really fit there could dial so together. it's difficult to manage everything alone and i used to have people who helped me but they were no good they didn't take care of the sheep with all their hearts they
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hurt the cattle. with more people leaving than coming to the countryside the region's government is having to act making the life of the herd and more attractive than promising largest subsidies for countries and livestock and organizing cooperatives for the sale of day put out to ensure the hoda gets a high at fair price i asked sympathizes with those youngsters leaving for an easier more profitable life they in their publics capitol hill but he no longer wishes to join them he enjoys his pastoral way of life now looking for a helper who shares his enthusiasm but more time on his hands he says matter of fact he can start to look for a new wife. wealthy british style. spot on the.
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market why not. down the. wind out what's really happening to the global economy with mike stronger for a no holds barred look at the local financial headlines tune into cars a report. to . believe. you're watching archie good to have you with hundreds of peace activists have
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joined a two day march in pakistan against u.s. drone strikes in the country the convoy which is travelling from islamabad to south waziristan is being led by cricketing legend to imran khan who since become an opposition politician the region as a hotbed of taliban militancy and a major focus of the u.s. strikes political activist believes that the rally supported by the pakistani public the lords the grand jury go of their region has welcomed in their only resistance that is being provided by the government of our sound which does not want to open this area of exposure because for the past five years they've been hiding the fact that zones have been attacking this region on the on the public front they actually deny it but on privately behind the doors of the u.s. government they actually accept the fact just a simple attack on us of their energy and unfortunately for the past five years our government has actually bought into the american war on terror the american war it
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has now become our war and they should be sure to catch on all of these terrorists that are doing it but unfortunately not able do not able to handle economic affairs of the country let alone disturb the mission that has been the fall of our country in part. the u.s. defense chief leon panetta has called on the afghan president to thank american troops rather than criticize them because responding to him because lies complains this is a that washington is failing to go after militants base in neighboring pakistan that's all on the eve of the eleventh anniversary since the nato forces invaded the country and all activists and journalists at don de bar feels the alliance is simply not welcome in the country. the united states has a blind spot to the fact that people tend to have an affinity for their national sovereignty that doesn't disappear just because their country is occupied by the united states and you have this manifest in afghanistan
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to the point where it's now obvious that if you hand an afghan he comprador soldier a weapon and show them how to use it they turn it on the american soldier that handed it to them the people of afghanistan want the united states out and it's a natural thing for that to occur and the united states just doesn't see that one of the goals of the us imperial project is to where they can't completely dominate a place leave the people at each other's throats while they carry off the resources and so there's agitation for that that's put into play as the united states enters these countries what will happen in two thousand and fourteen is the afghanis will have an opportunity to settle their own national issues themselves without an occupying army directing the. sunday will say a tightly contested presidential vote in venezuela with the polls set to reveal how many remain loyal to the outspoken socialist leader hugo chavez his opponent
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a young lawyer and staunch critic of the government is predicted to give vessel close race let's get more on this from mark ways profit center of economic and policy research he joins us live from washington good to see this now he's got a stage a remarkable comeback from cancer this year and what seventy six year term to consolidate his socialist revolution in the oil rich state while his challenger and rekick up realises waiting in with completely different policies so how do you assess the chances of the two candidates. well if you look at the polls you know there were four polls in september when the polling closed at the end this is. fourteen out of eighteen showed job as a head lead was eleven point seven points so i don't think the election is close over the course you have a week where you know it's possible that transit routes but for all the polling
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data we have. job it has a very large margin again you can tell it depends a lot on turnout but if you look at electoral contests around the world you know you compare it to united states or anything else. this is not a very close race so far now a lot of people say that you know company ls may not necessarily attractive people to his policies but more that he did pick up the protest vote from people who just one change from chavez i mean if a company has a wins how the country calls them likely to change any of chavez wins how's that going to change. well i think if john lewis wins you'll see a lot of the same of what he's done you know the reason that he might win is that people's living standards of improved enormously over the past thirteen years the you know the poverty has been reduced since they got control of the oil industry in
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two thousand or two thousand and three but you can take two thousand four years to be sure poverty has fallen by half and extreme poverty by seventy percent and one is about unemployment is about half what it was before he was aware that you could look at any measure access to health care is increase for millions of people education you have no free college education for millions of college in rome and has doubled the number of people eligible for public pensions is four times as much as it used to be so i think jobs will continue to expand the welfare state at the least and we don't know what else the government will be capable. of as a certainly known as the mad all the people in venezuela now let's look at his presidential campaign it's been mobbed by an information storm i gained simming the international media especially in the u.s. does it really pose a threat to washington. you know president obama even said just recently been as
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well with those and pose a security threat and that was after one of his top military officer said the same thing the military's been saying there for years by the way that they also for example when the political the boer say that the judges were supporting the park. in. the military the military commanders and their sleeves are all said that wasn't true and they're the ones that have to settle it. that all that stuff is kind of nonsense to go and nobody who knows anything here really takes it seriously. well let's leave it right they were of course will be following the. elections tomorrow thank you very much mr walkways broader co-director of the center for economic and policy research for talking to us here on r.t. . more world news for you now the pope's form of butler has been handed an eighteen month sentence after he stole and then sold on to
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a journalist the pontiff's of private letters realist said he would not appeal the verdict enormities said to serve his sentence under house arrest however a papal spokesman said benedict sixteen the will most likely pardon his former aide the high profile leak was exposed when any talian journalist published a book accusing the leaders of the roman catholic church of numerous intrigues corruption and homo sexual affairs. miners in south africa have gathered for rally against the dismissal of twelve thousand of their colleagues there was sacked after staging a strike demanding better pay and conditions the protesters also mourning their colleagues killed by police in brutal clashes that began two months ago the death toll in the ongoing deadly unrest has so far reached forty eight. in a few minutes of the darkest secrets of the world's economic powers are revealed in the kaiser report.
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a sacred place rising out of the waters of the lake the lawn ministry is home to one hundred fifty orthodox monks mostly younger than thirty five and they've come from many different places and backgrounds to live in isolation here spiritual life it takes up many hours on the road to becoming a monk requires both hard work and religious ted occasion. salem's to become and herds cattle as part of this preparation. however these beasts get a musical company. they can remember sound sequences you know they react to the sound signals the flutes the herders had in the old days they needed them it wasn't just a fun thing but these matters didn't come naturally requiring decades of composting to bring the soil up to farming standard. this island is mostly rock. the
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soil here is very thin on the monks can't just get more of it because they're surrounded by the lake so they have to work very hard in order to provide whatever food they need. they grow their own crops find their own fish and repair their own churches. but the central purpose of alarm has always been religious the main ministries surrounded by smaller priories spread through the many archipelago the monks here know their existence is a little different from that of other ministries here. we do have. song times as well but only. tranquility use is hardly. the. combination of high religion and down to earth hard work than motivates these men.
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sigrid laboratory to mccurry was able to build a new its most sophisticated robot which all unfortunately doesn't give a darn about anything tunes mission to teach music creation why it should care about humans in the world this is why you should care only. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else you hear or see some other part of it and realize everything you thought you knew. i'm tom harkin welcome to the big picture.
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oh max kaiser welcome to the kaiser report in today's headlines if you tell the truth about the dollar you will be derided debunked and destroyed whether you happen to be a brick of gold or in a rating agency not on the payroll of wall street uncle sam once you do. if you do want to tell the truth stacey. yes max keiser there are currency wars reaching around the world the dollar doesn't want to be caught in the cross-fire basically at this point the currency global grid system you want to be
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the last one standing. well that's right they're going down one by one the currencies are called lap saying we see this obviously and this report we're going to discuss them but you know the concept that we're talking about they're going down in the order of their vulnerability when you got there i've got the hyperinflationary chicken as you see this chicken is looking like it was hyper inflated away you don't want this in your country if you see the hyperinflationary chicken run that's why chicken why are you playing with my chicken you should be playing with my chickens most of my chickens well the chart of the day max gold versus the debt ceiling the chart is from ed yardeni and it shows quite a correlation for the past fifteen years max between the price of gold and the debt ceiling as you see as the debt ceiling goes up the price of gold goes up well you know i've been saying about this for a while that you have these arguments in the.


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